Best police station award to Bowenpally Police station- S.P.Rahul Hegde
To encourage the police department, under certain categories, best police stations were identified and points were given to them. The Bowenpally Police station has got the best police station identity under category -2 and was appreciated by S.P.Rahul Hegde.
In this regard he said that delay in the duty is not at all allowed and all the pending cases will be solved in time.
- Every case that comes to police station will be solved using all proper means in a faster manner.
- Use of GPS tagging systems, functional and virtual systems, CC cameras in crime investigation and solving gives accurate and sooner cases solving which is followed by almost all police stations in the district.
- SC/ST cases will be taken care specially
- Pokso act cases are in acceleration.
- Surveillance was kept on illegal business like gutka, marijuana and drugs etc.,
- Everyday drunk and drive tests will be done and if found their licence would be cancelled.
- Transparency will be maintained by uploading all the solved cases and to be solved cases in system for information to the higher authorities.