Biometric for crop insurance and Free Crop Insurance Scheme

RSD-Hyderabad news: Agriculture department officials are working on the free crop insurance scheme to be implemented in the state from the coming monsoon season. How are crop insurance schemes working in neighbouring states? How to effectively implement a crop insurance scheme here? The Crop Insurance Department of the State Agriculture Commissionerate is studying these issues. It was in this order that the proposal to take biometrics of farmers for the validation of cultivated crops came to the fore. The state agriculture department is already fully implementing the crop booking portal. Mandals are divided into clusters and crop booking is being done with AEOs. What survey number is that? What crop was planted there? The pass book details of the graduates and the details of the farmers are being recorded. Crop booking is done from the first day of monsoon and Yasangi season to the last day of crop cultivation.

Each AEO records the details of cultivation of crops in the tab near him. To this extent, which crop was cultivated in how many acres? Approximately how much is the product coming in? If the purchase of crops is undertaken, what arrangements should be made? Crop booking app is useful for understanding the topics. But so far this app is maintained by AEO. The agriculture department has already decided to consider only the area registered in the crop booking portal for implementing the free crop insurance scheme. However, the agriculture department officials have come to the opinion that it is better to take a declaration from the farmers to ascertain what crops have been sown. It is said that this will help to calculate the actual crop loss without causing confusion. When crop loss occurs due to natural calamities, the cotton crop is lost at the field level.

It was discussed that there will be problems if the maize crop is registered in the portal and there may be objections from the farmers that the AEOs have registered the crops as per their wish without their knowledge. In order to overcome this problem, some officials of the agriculture department have expressed the opinion that if biometrics is taken from the farmers and the declaration is taken then there will be no problem, and if the details are entered in the crop booking portal with AEO-Farmer Consent, as reported by some officials. Crop booking will be done by going to Pantachenu and considering the latitudes and longitudes. Procedures will be formulated only after a comprehensive discussion on this issue. Kharif season will start in another fortnight. Before that crop insurance guidelines should be formulated, insurance companies should be consulted, premium should be determined and the government should release the budget.

Free insurance for about 30 lakh acres Revanth Reddy government has decided to implement free crop insurance scheme in the state. Apart from utilizing the benefits of Fasal Yojana implemented by the Centre, the crop insurance scheme will be implemented without any burden on the farmers. That means the state government pays the premium for the crops on behalf of the farmers. Farmers are not required to pay anything. If the crops are damaged due to natural calamities, the government will take steps to get compensation from the insurance companies. According to Dharani records, the state has one and a half million acres of agricultural land. It doesn’t go all the way. 1.30 crore acres in 2021-22 Kharif, 1.36 crore acres in 2022-23, 1.26 crore acres in 2023-24 crops have been grown. According to this calculation, the state government will have to pay crop insurance premium for 1.30-1.35 crore acres in the coming kharif as well.