SP Akhil Mahajan inspected Chandurthi PS

RSD_ SP inspected Chandurthi PS

RSD- Sircilla news: On 01.01.2025, the District SP inspected Chandurthi Police Station and inquired about the registration of cases within the police station limits, the maintenance of law and order, and inquired about the duties of the staff performing the duties of the station. Speaking on the occasion, the SP said that every complaint should be responded to immediately and legal justice should be done to the victims, everyone should be responsible and provide efficient services to the people, if there is negligence in the performance of duties, departmental action will be taken, and if there are any problems with the staff, they should bring them to their attention. Blue Colt and Petro Car staff should respond to 100 dial calls immediately and immediately reach the scene of the incident and take steps to resolve the problem. Rowdy sheeters within the police station limits should be checked every day during patrolling. As part of visible policing, officers and village police officers should frequently visit villages and interact with the people and create awareness about laws, Dial 100, She Teams, cyber crimes, traffic rules and other issues. He advised that all the staff should make efforts to prevent any undesirable incidents from happening within the police station limits, and that law and order will be under control only by performing their duties properly. The SP was accompanied by CI Venkateshwarlu, SI Anjaiah and staff.