Lawyers agitating for justice
RSD- Sircilla news: The incident took place in Rajannasircilla district where the lawyers took to the roads for justice. From Sircilla district court to the press club, a press conference was held at the press club.
Going into the details, they expressed her concern that the police are interfering unnecessarily in civil cases and turning them into criminal cases, trampling on the order given by the court to the accused and disregarding it, the police are filing criminal cases on top of the order given by the court.
It is alleged that there is no movement in the police department despite boycotting the court duties for the last five days.
In response, the top police officers asked the court to respect the law and not interfere in civil cases. Otherwise, they will boycott the court until justice is done.
President Dornala Sanjiva Reddy, General Secretary Tangallapally Venkati, senior and junior lawyers participated in this program.