High Court gives temporary break to regularization of contract lecturers

On 04.05.2023, in High Court on the regularization of contract lectures petition given by unemployed , the High Court gave clarity that Regularization of Contract employess G.O 16, Act 2 of 1994 in which 10 A, Women and Child Welfare G.O. 18 cancellation petition came to hearing in division bench  Item no 6. Previously contract lecturers regularization was given stage by advocate Satyam Reddy, has given the problems of unemployed on 04.05.2023 again. It was hopeful that after hearing the aurguments of Vijaysen Reddy and Santhosh Reddy Judges, State government may say to continue the process of regularization of contract but regular posting orders were not allowed as per the orders of the High Court WP.11549/2023 said by Dr. J. Sankhar and Korra Eswar Lal.