Huge drop in admissions in intermediate colleges

RSD- Hyderabad news: Students are not interested in joining government junior colleges. Although a month has passed since the start of the intermediate classes for 2023-24, the admissions are not taking place as planned. Compared to the admissions registered every year, this time even half of the people did not join the government colleges. While there are 406 government junior colleges in the state, there are more than one lakh seats. Normally, more than 90 thousand admissions are recorded every year. But, only 47 thousand students have joined government colleges so far this year. Every year, as soon as the results of TENTH come out, the lecturers working in the government colleges work hard to enroll the students. Especially the contract lecturers took the initiative in this matter and persuaded the parents of the students to admit them in the government colleges. They were interested in the idea that their jobs would be secured only if the number of students was high. The superiors are also encouraging to that extent. But, recently, as the government has regularized the contract lecturers, it is being argued that they are not interested in admissions. Along with this, the intermediate board is facing difficulties due to lack of regular commissioner. Even though Naveen Mittal is currently in charge, he is under a lot of work pressure. This leaves no time to monitor inter-board performance. It is noteworthy that no review meeting with the authorities has been held so far this year on issues like new admissions and education. It is being discussed that the number of admissions has decreased significantly due to these reasons.