A drug and alcohol addict killed his own family

RSD_ Drug and alcohol addict killed his own family

RSD- Uttar Pradesh news: This shocking incident took place in Sitapur district of Uttar Pradesh. 42-year-old Anurag Singh, a resident of Palhapur village, was addicted to drugs and alcohol. He is mentally challenged and often quarrels with his family members. The family members thought that he should be sent to a de-addiction center. Meanwhile, Anurag Singh, who drank alcohol on 11.05.2024, had a fight with his family again. In this background, the family members asked him to join the de-addiction center. As a result, he became a maniac and created havoc in the house. First, he shot and killed the 65-year-old mother, Savitri, who was in the living room. Then he killed his 40-year-old wife Priyanka on the head with a hammer. Later, three children, 12-year-old Ashwini, 9-year-old Arna and 6-year-old Advik were thrown from the top of the stairs and they were dead. After that Anurag Singh shot himself with a gun and he also died.