Give Telangana Foundation distributes exam pads and pens to ZPHS Shivanagar 10th students

RSD_Exam pads and pens distribution to 10th students of ZPHS Shivanagar

RSD- Shivanagar news: Kusuma Ramaiah Zilla Parishad Boys High School Shivanagar Sircilla 10th class students got exam pads and pens distributed under the leadership of Give Telangana from the hands of Mrs. Jindam Kala Chakrapani, Sircilla Municipal Chair Person. The school principal Mr. L. Motilal presided this program. Sircilla Chairperson Mrs. Jindam Kala Chakrapani, who came as the chief guest, addressed the students and said that class 10 exams are very near. Students should stay away from cell phones and TVs. 29th Ward Councilor Gentiyala Srinivas, School Staff Secretary Mallarapu Purushottam, school teaching team and students participated in the programme.