Main mission is women and children’s protection

RSD_Bharosa center opening by SP

RSD- Sircilla news: The district SP said that the center is aiming to provide immediate solution to the problems of women and children through the Center, ensuring the safety of the affected women and children, the right of the affected women and children. Trainee IPS Rahul Reddy, Additional SP Chandraiah, District SP Akhil Mahajan IPS, who started the district’s center assuring women’s safety at Srinagar Colony on 16.02.2024 as part of the ambitious assurance centers of the Telangana State Police Department for the protection of women and children

District SP said on the occasion said that the immediate solution to the problems of women and children through the Center, ensuring the safety of women and the right to the affected women and children. Counseling in Poxo and rape cases registered at various police stations through the assurance center and shelter is being provided to women through CWC. He said that the case at the police station has been registered and all will be solved till the end. All these laws have been enacted in accordance with the Poxo Act and the Children’s Laws. The district’s SP has assured that the main objective of the center is to reduce the crimes and violence on women and children. DSP Uday Reddy, CI Raghupathi, RI Yadagiri, Bharosa Center Reconste Malliswari, SI Pramila and staff participated.