Management exploiting labor of garment unit in apparel park
RSD- Sircilla news: On 29.01.2024, in a press conference held at the CITU office in B.Y.Nagar, CITU leaders Musham Ramesh and Kodam Ramana said that Gokul Das Company has started a Green Needle Garment Unit in the ApparelPark established by the Government in the suburb of Sircilla Peddur two years ago and the management making the workers to do over duty who are working in the Green Needle Garment Unit. Some of the workers working in the company brought to the attention of our CITU union that making to the management are causing trouble by work without giving a holiday even on Sundays in the name of shipment and not committing OT (overtime) as per the labor law. The management of the unit is trying to intimidate the police officers by complaining against the leaders of the CITU union who are questioning labor exploitation and labor rights. CITU is an association that is constantly fighting for the labor rights and is working for the realization of labor rights. The CITU union informed that they will fight for the application of labor laws to the garment workers working in the park. CITU leaders Egamanti Ellareddy, Adepu Sampath, Bejugam Suresh and others participated in the program.