Sweeper Chandramma was honored by DEO

RSD_ School Sweeper honored by DEO

RSD- Sircilla news: India’s first woman teacher Mata Savitribai Phule’s birthday program was grandly organized at ZPHS Ambedkar Nagar. School Principal Anjaya presided over the program and District Education Officer Ramesh was the chief guest and said that Savitribai Phule established the first school for girls in this community 150 years ago. He said that Savitribai Phule was the giver of the revolution who brought light to the lives of many races. Students and teachers read Savitribai Phule’s biography and introduce that history to the coming generation and said that true tribute will be paid to them only when they fulfill their desired goal. BTA State General Secretary Marwadi Gangaraju said that today women are excelling in all fields and our goal is to educate these races. School principals, district science officer Pamula Devayya, primary school principals, teachers and students participated in the program. In this program, sweeper Chandramma, who is working in high school, was honored by the hands of the DEO.