Anti Human Trafficking Unit for women safety – S.P.Rahul Hegde

As per the orders of district S.P.Rahul Hegde, on 23.02.2022, Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) incharge C.I Somiyyiah has conducted a program at Sircilla Sidhartha School. In this regard C.I said that, on women and child trafficking, district police department is taking strong action. For eradicating human trafficking this AHTU has been established in district. Child labour is not at all encouraged in the district and if found should be reported immediately to 1098. If anywhere children were taken for labour work who are under 18, then severe action will be taken on the employer which is also applicable to working of children for household. He also said that childhood is very beautiful and every child has the right to enjoy it rather than working as a labour. He requested everyone to be aware of AHTU by  having posters on school notice boards and places where people gather.